Bladder Category


It is estimated around 14 million people in the UK suffer from a bladder condition.

There are more people with bladder health concerns than with Asthma, Diabetes and Epilepsy together. Both men and women, young and old can be affected.

Despite being common, these problems are not openly talked about. Meaning many people suffer in silence and don’t get the help they need.

The choice of treatments and medicines has never been greater, with plenty of advice and support available. In some cases, can be completely cured and in others, they can be effectively managed. With the right information and guidance, you are able to regain your quality of life.

Throughout this section, you will find information on the many problems, from urinary incontinence and overactive bladder through to bladder weakness (stress urinary incontinence) and urinary retention. We also talk about more specific conditions like Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and the Menopause. Available treatment and product options are included for each individual condition.

Post Micturition Dribble Treatments

Conservative measures are used to improve the symptoms of post micturition dribble including training to tighten the pelvic floor muscles. There is also a technique that can be taught which helps to fully empty the urethra. Currently there…

Stress Urinary Incontinence Treatments

Your treatment for stress urinary incontinence will depend on the severity of your symptoms. Many people find that introducing pelvic floor muscles can make a significant difference. If your symptoms are still troublesome, your GP can…

Painful Bladder And Interstitial Cystitis Treatments

There is unfortunately currently no cure for Interstitial Cystitis and there remains no specific treatment that helps everyone. There are treatments available, but it is a matter of trial and error to find which treatment is best for you.…

Overflow Incontinence Treatments

There are a number of causes of overflow incontinence, the two main causes are urinary retention or a blockage from stones or an enlarged prostate in men. Your treatment will depend on the cause. If the overflow is caused by a blockage,…

Overactive Bladder Treatments

It can often be difficult to pinpoint the cause of an overactive bladder so your treatment will involve relieving the symptoms that give you the most trouble. Many people with an overactive bladder will have a mixture of symptoms including…

Nocturnal Enuresis Treatments

Your GP will be able to advise you on ways to manage nocturnal enuresis. Symptoms can be greatly improved just by altering how much and when you drink and by training your brain to wake you up at night to empty your bladder. If conservative…

Nocturia Treatments

Your treatment for nocturia will depend on the cause. Nocturia can be divided into three main causes: Nocturnal Polyuria - overproduction of urine at night Global Polyuria - overproduction of urine during the day and night Reduced bladder…

Urinary Tract Infection Treatments

Most mild lower urinary tract infections such as cystitis will clear up without the need for treatment after a few days. They can be uncomfortable and painful but symptoms can be eased with over-the-counter painkillers and by drinking…

Mixed Urinary Incontinence Treatments

Your treatment will depend on which factors are affecting you the most. There are various treatments available to treat stress and urge incontinence, nocturia, overactive bladder and dribbling all of which can be symptoms of mixed urinary…

Frequency Treatments

If you have been diagnosed with or think you may have frequency, there are many different types of treatments that may be offered to you, as well as ways of helping yourself. Below you will find a list of some of the common treatments used…