Latest Bladder & Bowel News


London Borough supports Community Toilet Scheme

Last year, the Bladder and Bowel Community launched their own toilet scheme where high street businesses can display a sticker in their window letting customers know that they support the ‘Just Can’t Wait’ card. We are still working hard…

Lifestyle, Fluids And Diet

There are some general lifestyle changes which may help to alleviate your symptoms of bladder conditions such as overactive bladder, stress incontinence, Urethritis, Nocturia, and many more. Diet changes your bladder will love Try and eat…

Pilates has helped me through Menopause

'Invincible Claire' was diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency and thyroid disease, after trying to start a family later in life. She now uses Pilates to manage symptoms of menopause and help others. Read her story.

Endometriosis – The Destructive Disease

Anna Cooper, 29 was diagnosed with endometriosis at the age of 17. She spent her teens suffering with heavy, erratic periods and severe abdominal pain. After 15 surgeries and her 16th planned to treat stage 4 endometriosis, Anna uses her…

Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)

When Sheree Hargreaves aged 15 realised that all her friends had started their periods, she felt left behind. She decided to visit her GP to see if there was anything wrong. Nothing could prepare her to be told that she had already gone…

Speaking out helps me deal with IBS

Over 1 in 10 people in the UK are thought to have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in the UK. It’s not really known what causes IBS but there are certain triggers such as emotional stress, sensitivities to certain food, a gut infection such…

How to save money on your healthcare

With many of us starting to become affected by the cost of living crisis, healthcare is one aspect of our lives that is both essential but can become costly. Around 14.5 million people are living in poverty in the UK, according to the…

Maintaining a Healthy Gut at Christmas

Christmas is a wonderful time where we can celebrate with family and friends. It can also be very busy and exhausting which can negatively effect our gut. Here I am sharing a few hacks and ideas to make the holidays a little easier. This…

My Stoma gave me Freedom

Amy Davidson tells her incredible story of how she grew up with Hirschsprung's Disease and never let it stop her from living the life she'd always wanted. Despite the many challenges including ileostomy surgery, she has gained the ability…

Immune Boosting Tips

There are many practical ways to keep yourself safe, and it’s not all about vitamin C. Simple good habits such as hand washing and drinking plenty of water contribute greatly toward our general health, and are our bodies’ best defence…