Why is Urology Awareness Important?

September 2023

Urology Awareness Month was founded by the Urology Foundation in 2014. Ever since then, it has provided an opportunity for people to learn and share all things urology during the month of September.  This year the theme is Bladder Health and UTIs.

What is Urology?

Urology is a clinical term which relates to the ‘urogenital system’, which manages the formation, storage and elimination of urine out of the body. In basic terms, it regulates your wee. Of course this is a complex process, which involves the kidneys, bladder, urethra, and can include sex. 

According to The Urology Foundation, urological conditions include some of the most common serious diseases in the UK such as prostate cancer and kidney damage. Urology in healthcare refers to the diagnosis, care and treatment of bladder conditions towards a cure or improvement of symptoms.

Why is Urology Awareness Important?

It’s important to keep an eye on your urology health to prevent more serious issues, or identify any signs early to have a better chance of successful treatment. A change in your bladder health could be a sign of a healthcare condition that could benefit from early intervention.

Urological diseases and conditions include:

Urology Awareness

50% of us will live with a urology condition in our lifetime

– The Urology Foundation –

What can you do?

First of all it’s important to take notice of any change in your bladder health. Urology Awareness Month 2023 is themed around Bladder Health and Urinary Tract Infections, Urinary Incontinence and Bladder Cancer. The primary aim is to raise conversation around these conditions to aid early diagnosis and effective treatment.

Making the first step doesn’t need to be a big deal – ask a friend or family member for support or let your doctor know if you’re nervous – they will understand.

For example:

  • If you find blood in your wee, it’s best to get it checked out by your GP or Healthcare Professional who can advise you on your symptoms and what you should do.
  • If you have a leaky bladder and find you can’t do things you used to enjoy, seek advice from your local clinic or GP as they can help you get back on track with the right course of action.

There are a number of things you can do to reduce your risk of leaks, including maintaining a healthy weight, limiting caffeine and alcohol and getting regular exercise. 

How to Reduce your Risk of Leaky Bladder
Source: https://www.theurologyfoundation.org/

If you need help with pelvic floor exercises, read our article which offers specific guidance for the male or female anatomy, to ensure you’re strengthening your pelvic floor in the right way.

Further Information

The Urology Foundation publish a wide range of materials to help people better spot potential problems early on, which can be accessed by GP surgeries and clinics to display on digital notice boards. You can find these on the Urology Foundation Website.

If you are experiencing bladder leaks or similar issues, you may find it useful to carry a Toilet Card, which can help you discreetly indicate that you need access to a toilet urgently, when away from home. Find out more about the Just Can’t Wait Card, which is available free on your smartphone.