Conservative Treatments Category

Conservative Treatment

Welcome to the conservative treatments section where you can find a range of self-help measures that could help improve your bladder and/ or bowel condition.

Here you will find advice on:

  • Healthy eating and drinking for your bladder and bowel
  • Bladder and bowel training exercises
  • Pelvic floor muscle exercises
  • Choosing the right continence product
  • Conservative treatment advice specific to your condition

Conservative treatments are often the first method of treatment for a bladder and bowel condition. By making small adjustments to your diet, fluid intake, general exercise and lifestyle, you may find this will have a positive effect on your bladder or bowel condition.

Finding the right continence products to suit you can be confusing. This section will also cover some of the continence products available. If you would like further information and advice on continence products please speak to one of our helpful trained advisors at the Bladder and Bowel Home Delivery Service.

Please note that the information contained within these pages are a guide only. Your GP will be able to advise on the best methods of treatment for your condition. Please speak to your GP or Healthcare Practitioner before undertaking any of these treatments.


Biofeedback therapy is a conservative treatment option used to help strengthen the muscles involved in controlling bladder and bowel control functions. It is a technique which uses sensors which detect when the right muscles are engaged…


Acupuncture uses ultra-fine sterile needles which are inserted into specific acupuncture points on the body. The aim of acupuncture therapy is to re-establish the free flow of 'qi' (a type of energy, pronounced ‘chee’) in the body, to…

Indwelling Catheters

The indwelling catheter is retained in the bladder by a balloon which can be inflated and deflated. Short-term (less than 30 days) or long-term (more than 30 days) drainage can be maintained but the end of the catheter should either be…

Night Time Alarm Setting

If you experience nocturnal enuresis (bed wetting) it's always a good idea to go to the toilet before you go to sleep. However, for some people this will not cure the bed wetting problem alone and other methods are needed. Night…

Bowel Retraining

What is Bowel Retraining? Bowel Retraining is a conservative treatment that is generally aimed at people who have recurring constipation or diarrhoea, or limited or reduced sensation in their rectum due to nerve damage. The aim is to…


Banding is a conservative treatment indicated for haemorrhoids (piles). This procedure is a common way of treating haemorrhoids and will normally be carried out as an outpatient and you will be able to go home immediately afterwards.  You…

Diet and Lifestyle changes for a healthy digestive system

Having a problem with the digestive system can cause a great deal of discomfort and can make you feel bloated and sluggish. There are many causes of an upset digestive system, such as an unhealthy diet, stress, antibiotics and travel, to…

Sphincter Exercises

People with faecal incontinence or leakage of faeces can be helped by undertaking special exercises to strengthen the sphincter muscles. With regular practice, the exercises could help to build up your muscles. Check with your health…

Avoid constipation for the Bladder

You should try and avoid being constipated as this can bring on other symptoms and problems. For example, when the bowel does not empty properly it will swell up and push down onto the bladder and could cause urinary problems. You can…