Bedding and chair covers are absorbent pads that can be used on your furniture,...

Do you ever wish you could design your own catheter, based on the challenges you face each and every day?
Well, one patient did exactly that. We have some free samples to give away of the HiSlip Plus catheter, designed by a patient who had to self catheterise, and who felt that the products available needed improvements to meet the needs of people using catheters.
The HiSlip Plus catheter is suitable for anyone who self catheterises – Request your Free Sample today! This is a limited offer subject to suitability and availability.
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Bedding and chair covers are absorbent pads that can be used on your furniture,...
In this section you will find helpful information and advice on some of the...
You can order a free sample of MoliCare® pants for Men or Women. As...
A drainage bag collects urine from a catheter or penile sheath. Normally there is...
The indwelling catheter is retained in the bladder by a balloon which can be...
There are many products on the market that can help you feel more comfortable...