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Dysautonomia and my Catheter

During February we organised a catheter awareness week on our social media channels to raise conversation around conditions such as Fowler’s Syndrome, Sacral Agenesis, Urinary Retention, Bowel Cancer and Dysautonomia, all of which can lead…

Being Diagnosed with Coeliac Disease Changed my Life

Coeliac Disease is a little known condition where the body’s immune system attacks the tissues when gluten is consumed. For Stella, diagnosis was positively life-changing - it meant she no longer had to live each day with stomach problems.

This Christmas it’s ‘Love Actually’

We asked our community what they will be doing differently this year, and here’s some of your wonderful stories and, well, it's love actually! Read some heart warming stories and updates from just a few of our wonderful members.

The Link Between your Belly and Brain

The gut has long been called ‘the second brain’ so it stands to reason that there is a relationship between what you eat and your mental health. We explore how nutritional psychiatry is growing and whether certain diets can help improve our…

The Crippling Pain of Endometriosis

Dionne, 23 from Scotland talks to Bladder and Bowel Community about how the perception of endometriosis needs to change and more awareness is needed around just how damaging this gynaecological condition can be.

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