Bladder Category


It is estimated around 14 million people in the UK suffer from a bladder condition.

There are more people with bladder health concerns than with Asthma, Diabetes and Epilepsy together. Both men and women, young and old can be affected.

Despite being common, these problems are not openly talked about. Meaning many people suffer in silence and don’t get the help they need.

The choice of treatments and medicines has never been greater, with plenty of advice and support available. In some cases, can be completely cured and in others, they can be effectively managed. With the right information and guidance, you are able to regain your quality of life.

Throughout this section, you will find information on the many problems, from urinary incontinence and overactive bladder through to bladder weakness (stress urinary incontinence) and urinary retention. We also talk about more specific conditions like Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and the Menopause. Available treatment and product options are included for each individual condition.

Frequency Resources

Below you will find the most popular downloads for those looking for help with their frequency condition. Just click on the image or the link to download your guide. If you can’t find what you are looking for then why not explore our…

Frequency Volume Chart

A Frequency Volume Chart records the volumes voided as well as the time of each visit to the toilet, both during the day and night. Download your chart below, and please see the guidelines for use.In order to get the most out of your…

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Urinary tract infections (UTI’s) are a common and usually mild infection that can affect the bladder, urethra, ureters and kidneys. UTI’s can occur at all ages, although women are particularly at risk and over 50% will experience at least…

Prostatitis Treatments

If you have been diagnosed with or think you may have Prostatitis, you can find out about the different types of treatments that may be offered to you here. This information should be used in conjunction with support from your GP or health…

Urinary Urgency and Urge Incontinence

An issue with the bladder, such as Urge incontinence and urgency incontinence, can cause a great deal of worry and stress, and you may start to live your life around your problem. However, there is help available. What’s the difference…

Treatments For Postmenopausal Symptoms

If you are postmenopausal or approaching the menopause and would like to find out what your options may be in terms of potential treatments, please use the information below. This information can be used in conjunction with support from…

Bacterial Cystitis Treatments

Most mild cases of bacterial cystitis will clear up in a few days without the need of any medical treatment There are ways to manage this condition yourself at home or your GP may prescribe antibiotics. If you have never had cystitis…

Prolapse Treatments

What to do if you have been diagnosed with prolapse If you have been diagnosed with or think you may have a prolapse, you can find out about the different types of treatments that may be offered to you here, as well as ways of helping…

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treatments

If you have been diagnosed with or think you may have BPH, you can click here to find out about the different types of treatments that may be offered to you, as well as ways of helping yourself. This information should be used in…

Urinary Retention Treatments

If you have been diagnosed with or think you may have Urinary Retention, you can click here to find out about the different types of treatments that may be offered to you, as well as ways of helping yourself. This information should be used…