Help & Information Category

Help & Information

If you’re affected by a bladder or bowel condition or would like to find out more about what we offer, we’re here to make sure you get the help and information you need.

The Bladder & Bowel Community provide over 60 downloadable resources, such as frequency charts, the Bristol Stool Chart, bladder and bowel diaries, and pelvic floor exercises, to name but a few.

You’ll also find a section on how best to support yourself on topics such as travel, sexual relationships, and emotions, and accessing a Just Can’t Wait Card to help you when you’re out and about. There is also a document specifically for those supporting their loved ones, along with a number of stories from patients and carers who have been in similar situations to your own and found the Bladder and Bowel Community a valuable resource.

If you’d like to find out more on the Bladder and Bowel Community, you can do so by browsing the About Us section. Here, you can get to know the team and how we plan on consistently improving our services.

We aim to enable people to live their lives as they wish. With these resources, we hope you or your loved one can take another step in their journey to a higher quality of life.

Urinary Tract Infections have ruled my life

Community member, Anna Somerville-Large has kindly shared her story with us about living with lifelong urinary tract infections and urinary retention. Despite living with chronic bladder issues, Anna has lived in all corners of the globe…

Just Can’t Wait Toilet Scheme

Introducing the national Just Can't Wait Toilet Scheme for participating businesses and organisations to show their support for people living with a bladder and/or bowel condition, by allowing emergency access to a toilet.  People tell…

Bladder & Bowel Community Benefits

The Bladder and Bowel Community has partnered up with some great companies to be able to offer you exclusive discounts and advice to help you manage your bladder and bowel condition.

Bowelbabe Saved my Life

Mags tells us how a chance listening to Deborah James' (aka Bowelbabe) podcast ‘You, Me and the Big C’ made her realise her symptoms were bowel cancer. Here Margaret tells us about her diagnosis of Stage 2 Bowel Cancer in January 2019 and…

Travelling with confidence

Travelling with bladder and bowel conditions can be a stressful process, and many will simply neglect the opportunity to venture across the world in fear that they won’t have fast access to a toilet. However, this doesn’t mean that you…

Lucinda’s Story – BAD/BAM

Lucinda Barton suffered with what she was told was Irritable Bowel Syndrome for over 20 years, despite constant trips to her GP and several gastrointestinal specialists for tests and  following various diets over the years, her symptoms…

Endometriosis is more than just a Bad Period

What is endometriosis, and what are the symptoms caused? We share three community stories from women who have experienced the condition first hand, and learn why it can take up to 8 years to be diagnosed.

Dysautonomia and my Catheter

During February we organised a catheter awareness week on our social media channels to raise conversation around conditions such as Fowler’s Syndrome, Sacral Agenesis, Urinary Retention, Bowel Cancer and Dysautonomia, all of which can lead…

Abbie’s Intermittent Catheter Story

Abbie Stapleton, 25 from St Neots tells Bladder and Bowel Community how endometriosis and Fowler's Syndrome led to extreme bladder pain and bladder retention, resulting in her intermittent catheters.

Urinary Retention and Fowler’s Syndrome

Zoe, 24 from Oxfordshire/Northamptonshire border tells Bladder and Bowel Community how one day she just went into urinary retention and how having a diagnosis of Fowler's Syndrome changed her life.