Help & Information Category

Help & Information

If you’re affected by a bladder or bowel condition or would like to find out more about what we offer, we’re here to make sure you get the help and information you need.

The Bladder & Bowel Community provide over 60 downloadable resources, such as frequency charts, the Bristol Stool Chart, bladder and bowel diaries, and pelvic floor exercises, to name but a few.

You’ll also find a section on how best to support yourself on topics such as travel, sexual relationships, and emotions, and accessing a Just Can’t Wait Card to help you when you’re out and about. There is also a document specifically for those supporting their loved ones, along with a number of stories from patients and carers who have been in similar situations to your own and found the Bladder and Bowel Community a valuable resource.

If you’d like to find out more on the Bladder and Bowel Community, you can do so by browsing the About Us section. Here, you can get to know the team and how we plan on consistently improving our services.

We aim to enable people to live their lives as they wish. With these resources, we hope you or your loved one can take another step in their journey to a higher quality of life.

Marcus – Living with Bladder Incontinence

Marcus, from Kent was diagnosed with bladder incontinence around four years ago, however he says that he has experienced bladder symptoms for as long as he can remember and these have gradually worsened over time. Here, Marcus bravely

Lifestyle, Fluids And Diet

There are some general lifestyle changes which may help to alleviate your symptoms of bladder conditions such as overactive bladder, stress incontinence, Urethritis, Nocturia, and many more. Diet changes your bladder will love Try and eat…

Pilates has helped me through Menopause

'Invincible Claire' was diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency and thyroid disease, after trying to start a family later in life. She now uses Pilates to manage symptoms of menopause and help others. Read her story.

Endometriosis – The Destructive Disease

Anna Cooper, 29 was diagnosed with endometriosis at the age of 17. She spent her teens suffering with heavy, erratic periods and severe abdominal pain. After 15 surgeries and her 16th planned to treat stage 4 endometriosis, Anna uses her…

Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)

When Sheree Hargreaves aged 15 realised that all her friends had started their periods, she felt left behind. She decided to visit her GP to see if there was anything wrong. Nothing could prepare her to be told that she had already gone…

Speaking out helps me deal with IBS

Over 1 in 10 people in the UK are thought to have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in the UK. It’s not really known what causes IBS but there are certain triggers such as emotional stress, sensitivities to certain food, a gut infection such…

My Stoma gave me Freedom

Amy Davidson tells her incredible story of how she grew up with Hirschsprung's Disease and never let it stop her from living the life she'd always wanted. Despite the many challenges including ileostomy surgery, she has gained the ability…

Research and Healthcare Studies

Find out about third party research studies that you can get involved in - the more information that healthcare researchers can gather about how individuals experience certain conditions, the better the research into treatments can address…

Fitness gave me confidence after stoma surgery

After years of suffering uncontrolled Ulcerative Colitis, Dan Callaghan underwent stoma surgery in the hope of getting his health back on track. Exercise and fitness had always been a big part of Dan’s life and this wasn’t something he…