Help & Information Category

Help & Information

If you’re affected by a bladder or bowel condition or would like to find out more about what we offer, we’re here to make sure you get the help and information you need.

The Bladder & Bowel Community provide over 60 downloadable resources, such as frequency charts, the Bristol Stool Chart, bladder and bowel diaries, and pelvic floor exercises, to name but a few.

You’ll also find a section on how best to support yourself on topics such as travel, sexual relationships, and emotions, and accessing a Just Can’t Wait Card to help you when you’re out and about. There is also a document specifically for those supporting their loved ones, along with a number of stories from patients and carers who have been in similar situations to your own and found the Bladder and Bowel Community a valuable resource.

If you’d like to find out more on the Bladder and Bowel Community, you can do so by browsing the About Us section. Here, you can get to know the team and how we plan on consistently improving our services.

We aim to enable people to live their lives as they wish. With these resources, we hope you or your loved one can take another step in their journey to a higher quality of life.

Carers support

Caring for a relative or friend who has a bladder or bowel problem may not be easy. It is likely to have a big emotional and physical impact for the person you care for and can also have an emotional impact on you. If you are caring for a…


Below you will find a collection of comments from people who have found our services useful. If we have helped you in some way, whether it be from a chat with one of our Helpline nurses, or maybe you couldn't live without our Toilet Card…

Patient Stories Archive

Share your story Everyone with a bladder or bowel control problem will have a different story to tell and by sharing your own individual experience you can offer hope and inspiration to others in a similar situation.  Being able to…

Pelvic Floor Repair

What is a Pelvic Floor Repair A pelvic floor repair is the most common surgery for prolapse. It is a broad term used to describe simple surgical repairs of the pelvic floor. More specifically, the term anterior repair refers to correction…

Spinal Injuries

Spinal cord injury nearly always affects control over the bladder and bowel. This is because the nerves controlling these internal organ are attached to the base of the spinal cord and then pass down through the cauda equina, the 'horse's…

What We Do

The Bladder and Bowel Community is the UK wide service for people with bladder and bowel control conditions.  We provide information and support services, including a managed online support group, for anyone affected by these conditions as…


This person needs URGENT access to a toilet, and: has a medical condition  has a bladder and/or bowel condition may be distressed or embarrassed PLEASE HELP! Please kindly support people with invisible illnesses…