Latest Bladder & Bowel News


Megacolon & Slow Transit Constipation

Bladder & Bowel Community member, Anne Fairhurst shares her experiences of living with Megacolon and Slow Digestive Transit; how she experienced constipation for years before finally being diagnosed with the, and how it has affected

Hannah’s Story – Interstitial Cystitis

Introducing Hannah, who will be contributing as a regular guest blogger for the Bladder and Bowel Community. Hannah has a painful bladder condition called Interstitial Cystitis (IC) and will be telling her story over a series of posts as

Ulcerative Colitis – Kevin’s Story

Crohn’s and Colitis are invisible illnesses that mainly affects the digestive system but can also cause fatigue and painful joints. They are forms of inflammatory bowel disease, that currently don’t have a cure. Around 300,000 in

SAVE LIVES, Grow a Beard this December.

Bowel Cancer UK has launched its annual Decembeard campaign aimed at raising awareness and vital funds into the research of life-saving treatments for bowel cancer. Taking part in Decembeard is so easy. All you have to do it ditch

Bladder & Bowel Partners With StrategiQ

We are pleased to announce a new partnership with StrategiQ, an award-winning marketing agency with offices in Suffolk and Wootton Wawen, a short distance from our head office in Henley-in-Arden. Working as our technical partner, StrategiQ

Diabetes Week

This week is Diabetes Week and Diabetes UK are working to raise awareness of the condition and demolish some of the myths and stigmas that are associated with the disease. Diabetes is a condition where your blood sugar levels rise

Mental Health Awareness Week

Having toilet issues can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety If we have a physical illness most of us wouldn’t think twice about contacting a doctor to remedy this, however those who are suffering emotionally or mentally are