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I’m back living life after beating bowel cancer

David McVey, 58  from Glasgow noticed that he was having trouble going to the toilet and that there was blood in his poo. Prompt action from both David and his GP meant that he is still around to tell his story of going through a bowel

My endometriosis was misdiagnosed as IBS

Helen Brook, 36  from West Yorkshire had struggled with bowel symptoms since her teens with experiencing bloating and pain that got worse when she reached her 20s. After seeing various GP’s, and bowel specialists, they were unable to find…

Addressing the Stigma around Incontinence

Stigma is all around us, in one form or another. It is strong, yet invisible and has the potential to control us beyond what is reasonable. First of all let’s define the concept of stigma in the context of bladder and bowel health, so that…

What is Your Gut Telling You?

The connection between your gut microbiota and your central nervous system is becoming more of a focus in recent years as we are now realising that having poor gut health could also be linked to having mental health disorders such as

There’s light after stoma surgery

When Rocco Mann, 20 from Banbury in Oxfordshire was first diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease, his biggest fear was ending up with a stoma bag. What he thought was his worst fears coming true, Rocco learned to embrace having an ileostomy and…

My videos help others with Interstitial Cystitis 

Jordan Bew, 36 from Cornwall spent nearly 2 years suffering from crippling, painful bladder symptoms before being diagnosed with a little known condition called Interstitial Cystitis in October 2022. Jordan shares his story about getting…

World Continence Week 2023

World Continence Week ran from the 19th to the 23rd June and is an annual initiative managed and run by the World Federation of Incontinence and Pelvic Problems (WFIPP). In support of the event, we worked alongside incontinence specialists…

Reluctant to see a doctor? It could save your life

Deciding to get help with anything, let alone, medical concerns can be a challenge because we are hardwired to be independent-minded. This is according to Nora Bouchard1, a leadership coach who has recently written a book on the topic. It…